SOMEWHERE IN THE WILDERNESS: Despite Obama still having another 4 years in the White House, the 2016 campaign field has just gotten a bit clearer, thanks to Sarah Palin, who earlier today filed with the tax office in Anchorage to begin a run for President of the United States in 2016 on her second try.
According to sources, Palin had been spotted outside the US embassy in Ottawa, Canada a few hours before, trying to file for a presidential campaign there. She had also been taking a look at properties on the market for her campaign headquarters until she was informed of the mix-up by an official at the embassy.
When we caught up with her in Anchorage, she wasted no time in outlining her platform.
"I want to make sure America returns to traditional, god-given values by making gay marriage and abortions illegal through amendments to our Declaration of Constitution. I want to pressure Russia and Iraq into halting their nuclear weapons program. I also want to fix our economy. I want to open Alaska to further oil drilling. And, I want to tell all those countries to make peace with Israel.
We asked her to name the first country she'd go after first in negotiating with Israel. Palin replied:
"I think there are lots of countries we should go after. Stop asking me those gotcha questions!"
Expect to see a lot more Sarah Palin in the next four years, especially when the primaries really begin to heat up. In other 2016 news, Nate Silver has predicted that the Republicans will gain control of the Senate and retain a 1-seat majority in the house, and Tim Kaine will win the Presidency by a wide margin of votes.
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